Тест с ответами: «Местоимения this, these, that, those»

1. ___________ are sharks.
а) That
b) Those+

2. ___________ is my room.
а) This+
b) These

3. You know, ________ are the siren islands.
а) that
b) those+

4. Look at _____ magazine here. It’s great.
a) those
b) this+
c) these
d) that

5. Can you pass me _____ book beside you, please?
a) these
b) those
c) that+
d) this

6. _____ flowers over there are not expensive.
a) Those+
b) That
c) These
d) This

7. I will make sure ___________________ you have everything you need.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

8. We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ___________________ is an adaptation of Somerset Maugham`s novel.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

9. Hey Liana, where are you going to spend your vacation ___________________ year?
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

10. Мне не нравится этот спектакль. Он скучный.
а) I don’t like these show. It is boring.
b) I don’t like that show. It is boring.
c) I don’t like this show. It is boring. +

11. _______ girl is my sister?
а) this+
b) these

12. We had a very strong basketball team last year, we won 15 matches in ___________________ season.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

13. Chimera (or ghost fish): _______ species is found in coastal waters around the Pacific Ocean.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

14. ___________ are planes.
а) That
b) Those+

15. ___________ is a whale.
а) Those
b) That+

16. _______ dog is black or white?
а) that+
b) those

17. Эти люди работали на этом заводе девять лет назад.
а) These people worked at this plant nine years ago. +
b) That people worked at that plant nine years ago.
c) These people worked at these plant nine years ago.

18. _______ girraffes are very nice.
а) that
b) those+

19. Let me introduce you to each other, ___________________ is Sally.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

20. How old is _______ doctor?
а) that+
b) those

21. Where is _______ driver from?
а) that+
b) those

22. They are so happy to see you again, just look at ___________________ faces.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

23. — Where is Kevin? — I did not see him since ___________________ morning. He looked unwell today.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

24. Эта песня очень спокойная и вдохновляющая.
а) This song is very calm and inspiring. +
b) That song is very calm and inspiring.
c) Those song is very calm and inspiring.

25. Кто эти женщины там?
а) Who are those men over there?
b) Who are these women out there?+
c) Who are this women out there?

26. _____ is my brother, Jimm.
a) Those
b) That
c) These
d) This+

27. Give me _____ books, please.
a) these
b) that
c) those+
d) this

28. When I was young, people loved their work. In ___________________ days everyone cares only about the benefits.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

29. I need several old scientific articles for my dissertation but unfortunately ___________________ are hard to find.
a) This
b) That
c) These+
d) Those

30. Эти билеты для вас и ваших родных.
а) These tickets are for you and your family. +
b) Those tickets are for you and your family.
c) This tickets are for you and your family.