Тест с ответами на тему: «Личные местоимения в английском языке»
1. Это я рассказал ему правду.
а) It was me who told his the truth
б) It was me who told him the truth+
в) It was I who told him the truth.
2. Чья это собака? Она все время в нашем саду.
а) Whose dog is that? She is always in our garden.
б) Whose dog is that? It is always in ours garden.
в) Whose dog is that? It is always in our garden.+
3. Будь осторожен, не порань свой палец их ножом.
а) Be careful! Don’t hurt your finger with them knife.
б) Be careful! Don’t hurt you finger with our knife.
в) Be careful! Don’t hurt your finger with their knife.+
4. Пойдем с нами к ним в офис. Мы расскажем им правду.
а) Come with us to their office. We’ll tell they the truth.
б) Come with us to their office. We’ll tell them the truth.+
в) Come with ours to them office. We’ll tell them the truth.
5. Моя машина быстрее чем твоя. My car is faster than______
а) you
б) your
в) yours+
6. Выберите личное местоимение, которое заменит данное существительное: books
а) it+
б) we
в) they
7. Наши друзья не любят путешествовать и посещать новые места.
a) Us friends don’t like travelling and visiting new places.
б) Our friends don’t like travelling and visiting new places.+
в) Their friends don’t like travelling and visiting new places.
8. Их отели в Турции современные и уютные.
a) They hotels in Turkey are modern and comfortable.
б) Them hotels in Turkey are modern and comfortable.
в) Their hotels in Turkey are modern and comfortable.+
9. Я хочу купить для нее желтые цветы.
a) I want to buy yellow flowers for him.
б) I want to buy yellow flowers for her.+
в) I want to buy yellow flowers for his.
10. Выберите личное местоимение, которое заменит данное существительное: a fox
а) he
б) she
в) it+
11. Расскажи нам об этом происшествии.
a) Tell them about this incident.
б) Tell us about this incident.+
в) Tell me about this incident.
12. Не могли бы вы передать мне подарок, пожалуйста?
a) Could you pass me the present, please?+
б) Could you pass him the present, please?
в) Could you pass her the present, please?
13. Ты действительно навестил его в больнице вчера?
a) Did you really visit him in the hospital yesterday?+
б) Did you really visit her in the hospital yesterday?
в) Did you really visit his in the hospital yesterday?
14. Выберите личное местоимение, которое заменит данное существительное: roses
а) we
б) it
в) they+
15. Не слушайте их! Don’t listen to______
а) they
б) them+
в) their
16. Это фото моего друга. Ему 22. Его зовут Билл. Хочешь познакомиться с ним?
а) This is a photo of my friend. He is 22. His name is Bill. Do you want to meet his?
б) This is a photo of my friend. He is 22. His name is Bill. Do you want to meet him?+
в) This is a photo of my friend. He is 22. Him name is Bill. Do you want to meet him?
17. Выберите личное местоимение, которое заменит данное существительное: a boy
а) he+
б) she
в) it
18. Выберите личное местоимение, которое заменит данное существительное: a woman
а) he
б) she+
в) it
19. This is my car. Do you like ______?
а) him
б) it+
в) her
20. She is so beautiful! Look at ______.
а) me
б) she
в) her+
21. Это принадлежит мне, оно мое!
а) It belongs to me, it’s my!
б) It belongs to me, it’s mine!+
в) It belongs to me, it’s me!
22. Его дом намного красивее чем её.
а) His house is much more beautiful than her.
б) His house is much more beautiful than hers.+
в) Him house is much more beautiful than hers.
23. Я не могу найти свои ключи. Ты не видел их?
а) I can’t find my keys. Can you see them?+
б) I can’t find my keys. Can you see it?
в) I can’t find mine keys. Can you see its?
24. I never drink coffee. I hate ______.
а) them
б) him
в) it+
25. She doesn’t like dogs. She is afraid of ______.
а) it
б) them+
в) her
26. Nick is a very clever man. Do you know ______?
а) him+
б) he
в) it
27. Извините меня. Можно мне войти?
a) Excuse me. Can I come in?+
б) Excuse I. Can I come in?
в) Excuse my. Can I come in?
28. Я уже прочитал ее иностранную книгу.
a) I have already read my foreign book.
б) I have already read his foreign book.
в) I have already read her foreign book.+
29. Эта статья была написана им.
a) This article was written by her.
б) This article was written by him.+
в) This article was written by his.
30. Английские тексты были переведены ими.
a) English texts were translated by them.+
б) English texts were translated by their.
в) English texts were translated by us.