Тест с ответами на тему: «Предлоги направления в английском языке»
1. Someone pushing a pram _____ the road.
а) across+
б) up
в) opposite
2. There is a car coming _____ the corner.
а) opposite
б) round+
в) to
3. There is a plane flying _____ the town.
а) above
б) over+
в) up
4. Children like to get up early ____ Christmas Day.
а) on+
б) in
в) at
5. I’m moving to a new flat ___ 7 August.
а) in
б) on+
в) at
6. The leaves on the trees turn brown ____ Autumn.
а) at
б) in+
в) on
7. I had a meal ____ the train.
а) at
б) on+
в) in
8. There’s somebody ____ the door.
а) on
б) at+
в) in
9. Leo has some nice pictures hanging ____ his office wall.
а) at
б) in
в) on+
10. A painter is climbing _____ the ladder.
а) up+
б) down
в) above
11. Mario’s restaurant is _____ a hotel called The Red Lion.
а) next to+
б) between
в) opposite
12. Джек перешел через дорогу и направился в свой клуб.
a) Jack went across the road to his club.+
б) Jack went towards the road to his club.
в) Jack went past the road to his club.
13. Ольга все еще в больнице. Helga is still _____ hospital.
а) in+
б) at
в) to
14. Джордж сейчас на автобусной остановке. George is ____ the bus stop now.
а) in
б) at+
в) on
15. Смотри, Лена сидит у окна. Look, Lena is sitting _____ the window.
а) behind
б) on
в) by+
16. Мой лучший друг направился к выходу.
a) My best friend went across the exit.
б) My best friend went towards the exit.+
в) My best friend went round the exit.
17. Наш папа прошел мимо двух магазинов к третьему.
a) Our father went across two shops to the third one.
б) Our father went towards two shops to the third one.
в) Our father went past two shops to the third one.+
18. Someone is coming _____ the steps from the hairdresser’s.
а) below
б) under
в) down+
19. There are a few people walking _____ the road.
а) along+
б) across
в) down
20. Вдоль улицы расположены два разных банка.
a) There are two different banks along the street.+
б) There are two different banks across the street.
в) There are two different banks round the street.
21. Давай обойдем вокруг большого стадиона.
a) Let’s go along the big stadium.
б) Let’s go round the big stadium.+
в) Let’s go towards the big stadium.
22. Dieter went to the cinema Monday.
а) on+
б) at
в) in
23. Are you doing anything special ____ New Year?
а) in
б) on
в) at+
24. Мой дом находится рядом с парком. My house is _____ the park.
а) at
б) behind
в) near+
25. Убери свою тарелку со стола. Take your plate _____ the table.
а) at
б) off+
в) from
26. Мой дом на другой стороне улицы. My house is _____ the street.
а) between
б) across+
в) beyond
27. Игрушка стоит под столом. The toy is _____ the table.
а) under+
б) below
в) behind
28. Твоя сестра ходит домой через игровую площадку?
a) Does your sister go home round the playground?
б) Does your sister go home past the playground?
в) Does your sister go home through the playground?+
29. Больница находится слева от нашего нового дома.
a) Hospital is on the right of our new house.
б) Hospital is to the left of our new house.+
в) Hospital is left of our new house.
30. Моя квартира на 5 этаже. My apartment is _____ the second floor.
а) in
б) at
в) on+