Тест с ответами: «Неопределенные местоимения в английском языке»

1. Она что-то сказала, но я ничего не понял.
а) She said something, but I didn’t understand anything.+
б) She said something, but I understand anything.
в) She said anything, but I didn’t understand something.

2. Там кто-нибудь есть?
а) Is anybody there?+
б) Is somebody there?
в) Is someone there?

3. I have read three journals on the subject, but ____ of them were very helpful.
a) neither
б) none+
в) no

4. ___ Sandra nor Greg studies at university.
а) Neither+
б) None
в) Both

5. ___ of the European countries have such strict laws.
а) Both
б) None+
в) Neither

6. There are five differences between the pictures. You have to find ___ of them.
а) neither
б) both
в) all+

7. Никто не идеален.
а) Anybody is perfect.
б) Nobody is perfect.+
в) Everybody is perfect.

8. Я не вижу никакой разницы. I don’t see … difference.
а) some
б) none
в) any+

9. Каждый в чем-то талантлив.
а) Everybody is good at something.+
б) Somebody is good at something.
в) Everybody is good at anything.

10. Mark and Jill have common interests. They ___ enjoy rock music.
а) both+
б) none
в) neither

11. I have lived in this place ___ my life.
а) neither
б) all+
в) both

12. Have we got any cucumbers left? No, there are ___.
а) none+
б) neither
в) all

13. Jack and Tim are not smart enough. ___ of them failed to pass the exams.
а) Neither
б) Both+
в) None

14. These dresses are really nice, but ___ one fits me well.
а) both
б) all
в) neither+

15. There were lots of people in the house but ___ of them were able to escape fire.
а) neither
б) both
в) none+

16. I’ve been to the museum and to the gallery. I should say ___ places are worth visiting.
а) both+
б) neither
в) none

17. Do you prefer black tea or green one? ___. I always drink coffee.
а) Neither+
б) None
в) All

18. My little brother hates ___ reading and writing.
а) neither
б) both+
в) none

19. Mary is going to take ___ her clothes to the seaside.
а) both
б) none
в) all+

20. Have we got any cucumbers left? No, there are ___.
а) neither
б) all
в) none+

21. Mark and Jill have common interests. They ___ enjoy rock music.
а) both+
б) neither
в) none

22. Mary is going to take ___ her clothes to the seaside.
а) both
б) none
в) all+

23. I have lived in this place ___ my life.
а) neither
б) all+
в) both

24. ___ cities of the world have their own charm.
а) Both
б) Neither
в) All+

25. I am interested in your films, but the first ____ is the best.
a) one+
б) ones
в) both

26. I don’t like my new dresses, I like my old _____.
a) one
б) others
в) ones+

27. My dad has two nephews. ___ of them are collecting coins.
a) All
б) Both+
в) Every

28. Boris and Sasha are playing monopoly together and ____ of them likes to lose a game.
a) none
б) neither+
в) every

29. ____ our chickens live in the garden.
a) each
б) all+
в) none

30. ___ the tickets for the opera were sold.
а) Neither
б) All+
в) None